Saturday, December 1, 2012

Vaginal Itching

Every since i came back to Bintulu i've been having this slight itching at the genitalia area.

Normally i'll just ignore and the itch will just fade off.

Its not that itching at that area is uncommon, i'm very sure everybody experience it just that their too shy to talk about it because people always relate it to being unhygiene and it somehow become a taboo to talk about anything related to the genitals.

But that is not always the case, there are various of causes regardless of how clean is your down under.

Here are some of the common causes that came across my mind and can easily be found in the internet.

Common causes:
1. Contact irritation- skin irritations that may be caused by unsuitable detergents, softeners, feminine sprays, fabrics etc
2.Vaginal yeast infection (thrush)- the culprit is Candida albicans
3.Stress- when ur under stress your immune system indirectly affected and making u more prone to getting yeast infection
4.Vaginal dryness- probably caused by either washing or hormonal induced due to low estrogen.

But the thing is, its getting worse and its already nearly 2 weeks but there's no sign that its stopping.

It doesn't itch all the time but once it started its unbearable and there's no stopping it. 

And the aftermath are equally devastating, the burning sensation and the tearing of the skin. 
Argh what a pain in the xxxxxx.

 And lately there is this thick, white discharge that comes together with some bleeding. 

I started to google for the symptoms and it fit exactly with symptoms of thrush.

So i started to panic and decided its time to brush away the shyness and seek for a proper medical attention.

I tried to go to the women's specialist at Bintulu Medical Center but damn it, their only open during office hour and weekdays.

So i just when to the pharmacy and get myself some medicine and ointment. 

It took me quite alot of courage to asked for medication for vaginal itching, plus the pharmacist was having a leisure chat with few people at the counter. 

Luckily i was served by a female pharmacist but she kept on seeking for the male pharmacist that i was trying to avoid for references *sweat* 

These are what i get

 RM 10.80- kinda costly huh. The pharmacist told me that its ok to take this medicine even if your not really sure is it really cause by fungal infection or skin irritation.

 RM 13.80- I don't even know what does it mean 'with applicator'. i thought its suppose to be just a topical cream that u only apply at the affected area. 

WTH is this plastic tube thingy???? and i cant find the instruction in or out of the box. 

I think previously the pharmacist took the paper with the instruction on how to use it then forgot to place it back.

I suppose it work this way:

The tube thingy is suppose to act like a syringe where u pump some of the cream  then insert it as deeply as possible into the vagina.

Screw the red circled area together before directly withdraw the cream into the supposed syringe (Insert tube 1 into tube 2 before inserting the cream into the tube).

There's no need to wet the syringe so before inserting, all you need to do is take it slowly and not forcefully.

So i used it externally after took bath and whenever i start to feel itchy and once a day internally after bath before i took off to bed.

p/s: Don't forget to clean the tubes thoroughly before and after using it.

The pain of being a lady:

Its already painful enough that we have to endure that monthly pain, mood swing, inconvenience of having menstrual bla bla bla and now come the itching and chances of infections

 Before, during or after our menstrual there will be slight itching at the vaginal area, as far as i remember it was never serious or unbearable.

 Apparently this have something to do with the hormone (estrogen) in our body.

During this period our body hormones kinda goes on a berserk mode and the blood causes the pH of the  vaginal area to  increase (normally  the pH should be slightly acidic pH4.5-5.5)  and thus affecting the microorganisms that have been living IN our body.

This increase in pH favors those unfavorable microorganisms to grow and cause itching.

This are just some of the links that i find useful just in case one might suffer similar things